Title: 기황후 / Empress Ki Chinese Title: 奇皇后 Previously Known as: 화투 / Hwatu (Battle of Flowers) Genre: Historical, Politic, Romance, Me...
Watch Online Take My Hand / 내 손을 잡아 / 握住我的手 Episode 1 - 128
Title: 내 손을 잡아 / Take My Hand Chinese Title: 握住我的手 Genre: Romance, Family, Melodrama Episodes: 100+ Broadcast network: MBC Broadcast pe...
Watch Online You’re Only Mine / 나만의 당신 / 只属于我的你 Episode 1 - 53
Title: 나만의 당신 / You’re Only Mine Chinese Title: 只属于我的你 Genre: Melodrama, Romance, Family Episodes: 150 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast netwo...
Watch Online TV Novel – Land Of Gold / TV소설 – 순금의 땅 / TV小說-纯金的地 Episode 1 - 63
Title: TV소설 – 순금의 땅 / TV Novel – Land Of Gold Chinese Title: TV小說-纯金的地 Genre: Family, Romance, Melodrama Episodes: 150 (To Be Confirmed...
Watch Online Angel’s Revenge / 천상여자 / 天上女人 Episode 1 - 61
Title: 천상여자 / Angel’s Revenge Chinese Title: 天上女人 Also Known as: Heavenly Woman Genre: Family, Romance, Melodrama Episodes: 100+ (To Be ...
Watch Online Shining Romance / 빛나는 로맨스 / 閃耀的浪漫 Episode 1 - 70
Title: 빛나는 로맨스 / Shining Romance Chinese Title: 閃耀的浪漫 Genre: Family, Romance Episodes: 100+ (To Be Announced) Broadcast network: MBC Br...
Watch Online King’s Daughter Soo Baek Hyang / 제왕의 딸, 수백향 / 帝王之女手白香 Episode 1 - 108 (Completed) with English Subtitle
Title: 제왕의 딸, 수백향 / King’s Daughter Soo Baek Hyang Chinese Title: 帝王之女手白香 Also known as: Emperor’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang / The Daughte...
Watch Online The Woman Who Married Three Times / 세번 결혼하는 女子 / 結三次婚的女人 Episode 1 - 39 with English Subtitle
Title: 세번 결혼하는 女子 / The Woman Who Married Three Times Chinese Title: 結三次婚的女人 Also Known as: She Gets Married Thrice / Thrice Married Woman...
Watch Online One Warm Word / 따뜻한 말 한마디 / 溫暖的一句話 Episode 1 - 20 (Completed) with English Subtitle
Title: 따뜻한 말 한마디 / One Warm Word Chinese Title: 溫暖的一句話 Also Known as: Kind Word / Good Word Genre: Family, Romance, Melodrama Episodes: ...