Title: 미스코리아 / Miss Korea Chinese Title: 韩国小姐 Genre: Romance, Comedy Episodes: 20 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast network: MBC Broadcast...
Watch Online Inspiring Generation / 감격시대 / 感激时代 Episode 1 - 11 with English Subtitle
Tittle: 감격시대 / Inspiring Generation: The Birth of the God of Battle Also known as: Age of Feelings / Generation of Youth / Inspiring Age C...
Watch Online You Who Came From the Stars / 별에서 온 그대 / 來自星星的男人 Episode 1 - 18 with English Subtitle
Title: 별에서 온 그대 / You Who Came From the Stars Chinese Title: 來自星星的男人 Previously known as: 별에서 온 남자 / Man From the Stars Genre: Romance, C...
Watch Online The Full Sun / Beyond the Clouds / 태양은 가득히 / 阳光满溢 Episode 1 - 2 with English Subtitle
Title: 태양은 가득히 / The Full Sun Chinese Title: 阳光满溢 Also Known as: Beyond the Clouds Genre: Melodrama, Romance, Action, Crime, Thriller ...
Watch Online Noble Woman / 귀부인 / 贵夫人 Episode 1 - 26
Title: 귀부인 / Noble Woman Chinese Title: 贵夫人 Genre: Family, Romance Episodes: 120 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast network: jTBC Broadcast ...
Watch Online Melody of Love / 사랑은 노래를 타고 / 乘著歌聲的愛情 Episode 1 - 77 with English Subtitle
Title: 사랑은 노래를 타고 / Melody of Love Chinese Title: 乘著歌聲的愛情 Also Known as: Love Rides the Song / Love Through Song Previously Known as: 콩가네...
Watch Online The Prime Minister and I / 총리와 나 / 總理與我 Episode 1 - 17 (Completed) with English Subtitle
Title: 총리와 나 / The Prime Minister and I Chinese Title: 總理與我 Also known as: Prime Minister Is Dating Genre: Romance, comedy Episodes: 17 ...
Watch Online Golden Rainbow / 황금무지개 / 黃金彩虹 Episode 1 - 30 with English Subtitle
Title: 황금무지개 / Golden Rainbow Chinese Title: 黃金彩虹 Genre: Family, Romance, Melodrama Episodes: 40 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast network: MB...
Watch Online A Well Grown Daughter, Hana / 잘키운 딸 하나 / 好好長大的女兒荷娜 Episode 1 - 54
Title: 잘 키운 딸 하나 / A Well Grown Daughter, Hana Chinese Title: 好好長大的女兒荷娜 Also Known as: Well Brought Up Daughter, Hana Genre: Family, Roma...
Watch Online The Ghost-Seeing Detective Cheo Yong / 귀신보는 형사 처용 / 能看見鬼的警察處容 Episode 1 - 3
Title: 귀신보는 형사 처용 / The Ghost-Seeing Detective Cheo Yong Chinese Title: 能看見鬼的警察處容 Also Known a: 처용 / Cheo Yong Genre: Horror, Mystery, ...
Watch Online Jung Do Jun / 정도전 / 郑道传 Episode 1 - 14 with English Subtitle
Title: 정도전 / Jung Do Jun Chinese Title: 郑道传 Genre: Historical, Political, Thriller Episodes: 50+ (To Be Announced) Broadcast network: ...
Watch Online The Firstborn / 맏이 / 老大 Episode 1 - 46 with English Subtitle
Title: 맏이 / The Firstborn Chinese Title: 老大 Also known as: Oldest / The Eldest Genre: Melodrama, Family, Romance Episodes: 50 (To Be Con...
Watch Online King’s Family / 왕가네 식구들 / 王家一家人 Episode 1 - 50 (Completed) with English Subtitle
Title: 왕가네 식구들 / King’s Family Chinese Title: 王家一家人 Also Known as: The Wang Family / Royal Family Genre: Family, Romance, Comedy Episode...
Watch Online A Little Love Never Hurts / 사랑해서 남주나 / 愛能給別人嗎? Episode 1 - 38 with English Subtitle
Title: 사랑해서 남주나 / Will You Love and Give It Away? Chinese Title: 愛能給別人嗎? Also known as: Give Love Away / Love Doesn’t Go Away / A Little L...
Watch Online Passionate Love / 열애 / 熱戀 Episode 1 - 37 with English Subtitle
Title: 열애 / Passionate Love Chinese Title: 熱戀 Also Known as: Hot Love Genre: Melodrama, Romance, Family Episodes: 50 (To Be Confirmed) ...
Watch Online Emergency Couple / 응급남녀 / 急诊男女 Episode 1 - 7 with English Subtitle
Title: 응급남녀 / Emergency Man and Woman Chinese Title: 急诊男女 Also Known as: Emergency Couple Genre: Medical, Romance, Comedy Episodes: 20 ...
Watch Online Let’s Eat / 식사를 합시다 / 一起吃飯吧 Episode 1 - 12 with English Subtitle
Title: 식사를 합시다 / Let’s Eat Chinese Title: 一起吃飯吧 Genre: Romance, Comedy Broadcast network: tvN Episodes: 16 (To Be confirmed) Broadcast ...
Watch Online Blue Bird / 파랑새는 있다 / 蓝鸟 Episode 1 - 3 (Completed)
Title: 파랑새는 있다 / Blue Bird Chinese Title: 蓝鸟 Genre: Family, Mystery Episodes: 3 Broadcast network: CSTV Broadcast period: 2014-Jan-31...
Watch Online KBS Drama Special 2014 / 드라마 스페셜 2014
Title: 드라마 스페셜 2014 / KBS Drama Special 2014 Broadcast network: KBS2 Broadcast period: 2014-Jan-26 Air time: Sunday 23:55 Related Dram...